Source:Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology
Author(s): Zhiwei Jiang, Long Tan, Lingling Hu, Chaowei Wang, Huiming Wang, Zhijian Xie
Objectives.This study aimed to investigate differences in influence of chin prominence and length on perception of facial esthetics in Chinese dental clinicians, orthoganthic patients, and dental students.Study Design.The male and female silhouette lateral profiles were modified to obtain 28 facial profiles by altering chin prominence and length by 3 mm in the sagittal and vertical planes. Images were rated by 70 clinicians, 30 orthognathic patients, and 100 dental students on a 7-point Likert scale.Results.Perceived attractiveness is highest when the male chin prominence (MCP) was -3 mm to 3 mm, and the female chin prominence (FCP) was 3 mm. In contrast, male chin length (MCL) (0 mm to 3 mm) and female chin length (FCL) (0 mm) were considered the most attractive. In the sagittal and vertical profiles, MCP (-9 mm), FCP (-9 mm), FCL (-9 mm), and MCL (-9 mm) were ranked least attractive.Conclusions.The overall direction of esthetic opinion is similar in the orthoganthic patients, clinicians and dental students. The greater the retrusion or protrusion of the chin and the shorter or longer of the chin length, the less the rates of facial esthetics and the greater the desire for surgery.
from ! ORL Sfakianakis via paythelady.61 on Inoreader
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